
Below are some additional healthcare resources available for FREE download from Ofstead & Associates. You must be logged in to download these materials.

Ofstead Continuing Education "Webinar" Flyer

  • Ofstead "Webinars" Flyer

    8.5" x 11" Flyer: "Webinars: Do you want to learn more about patient and worker safety?" updated 7-17-2023 (PDF)

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Ofstead "YouTube Videos" Flyer

  • Ofstead "YouTube Videos" Flyer

    8.5" x 11" Flyer: "YouTube Video Resources: Real-world scientific evidence in bite-sized videos" updated 7-17-2023 (PDF)

    You must log in to access content.

Set of seven (7) Ofstead Workplace Influenza Vaccination Materials

  • Ofstead "Don't Get Stuck at Home with the Flu" Poster
    17" x 11" Poster: "Don't Get Stuck at Home with the Flu" Poster for Workplace Influenza Vaccination (PDF)
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  • Ofstead "Vira-chopper" Poster
    17" x 11" Poster: "Vira-chopper: The Flu Shot Can't Give You the Flu" Poster for Workplace Influenza Vaccination (PDF)
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  • Ofstead "Don't Spend Gameday with the Flu Bug" Poster
    11" x 17" Poster: "Don't Spend Gameday with the Flu Bug" Poster for Workplace Influenza Vaccination (PDF)
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Endoscope Reporcessing

Link: A Glimpse at the True Cost of Reprocessing Endoscopes: Results of a Pilot Project
Read about findings from an Ofstead pilot project on the material and labor costs of performing endoscope reprocessing according to guidelines.

Link: A Guide to duodenoscope trouble areas. An interactive resource.
Explore the evidence behind reprocessing failures and outbreaks linked to ERCP scopes using a dynamic, interactive tool.

IAHCSMM 2020 Handouts
  • HSPA 2020: Ofstead Endoscope Reprocessing Time Worksheet
    8.5" x 11" HSPA 2020 Handout: Endoscope Reprocessing Time Worksheet, covering reprocessing stages and other reprocessing tasks (MS Word: DOCX)
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  • HSPA 2023: Ofstead/Brewer SBAR template for visual inspection

    8.5" x 11" HSPA 2023 Handout: SBAR: Visual inspection of flexible endoscopes template, providing a customizable SBAR layout and content for communicating resource needs (MS Word: DOCX)

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  • HSPA 2020: Ofstead Endoscope Reprocessing References
    11" x 8.5" HSPA 2020 Handout: Ofstead’s real‐world evidence supporting quality management in endoscope reprocessing (PDF)
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Set of six (6) Ofstead COVID-19 "Emotive" Posters


Set of seven (7) Ofstead COVID-19 "7-Steps" Posters

  • Ofstead "Social Distance" Poster
    8.5" x 11" Poster: "Social Distance: 6 feet minimum between people when possible" with helpful information regarding this safety step (PDF)
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  • Ofstead "Avoid Touching Your Face" Poster
    8.5" x 11" Poster: "Avoid Touching Your Face, especially your eyes, nose, and mouth" with helpful information regarding this safety step (PDF)
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  • Ofstead "Cover Your Cough or Sneeze" Poster
    8.5" x 11" Poster: "Cover Your Cough or Sneeze with a tissue, then throw in trash; or use the inside of your elbow" with helpful information regarding this safety step (PDF)
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Set of eight (8) Ofstead COVID-19 "Statements" Posters


Set of four (4) Ofstead COVID-19 "Definitions" Posters

  • Ofstead "Compassion" Poster
    8.5" x 11" Poster: "Compassion" Messaging: Be considerate. Social distancing saves lives. The life you save may be your own. (PDF)
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  • Ofstead "Science" Poster
    8.5" x 11" Poster: "Science" Messaging: Know the science. Social distancing saves lives. The life you save may be your own. (PDF)
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  • Ofstead "Wisdom" Poster
    8.5" x 11" Poster: "Wisdom" Messaging: Be prudent. Social distancing saves lives. The life you save may be your own. (PDF)
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