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Ultrasound probes 201:

Common sense strategies for ultrasound probe quality management.

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16 Results

  • Includes Credits

    This webinar describes common sense strategies for identifying issues and improving quality with ultrasound probes

    Eligible for 1.0 contact hour | HSPA | CBSPD | RN |

    Damaged or dirty ultrasound probes have been linked to infections and injuries among patients. This webinar discusses strategies for identifying ultrasound processing and maintenance issues. The presenters will provide examples of issues related to probe inventories and discuss case studies illustrating environment-of-care and processing issues discovered by sterile processing managers and infection preventionists during visits to departments. Participants will receive tips for elevating the standard of care and engaging internal stakeholders to manage risk.

  • Includes Credits

    This webinar describes common challenges associated with ultrasound probes and provides practical strategies to help you address them in your facility.

    Eligible for 1.0 contact hour | HSPA | CBSPD | RN |

    External and endocavitary ultrasound probes are used throughout healthcare facilities for a wide variety of procedures. Inadequate training and lack of standardization of reprocessing and maintenance protocols leads to poor adherence to best practices and raises risk of patient harm. In this webinar, two epidemiologists will discuss the basics of ultrasound probe use and reprocessing, summarize common challenges and clinical risks, and recommend strategies for quality improvement. This discussion will include an overview of ultrasound probes, recommendations for use of gel and sheaths, and evidence of patient harm associated with improperly reprocessed or maintained probes. Insights from auditing experience, guidelines, published literature, and government databases will be presented to empower frontline personnel to improve practices in their healthcare facility.

  • Includes Credits

    This webinar describes the value of inspecting lumens of surgical instruments with borescopes.

    Eligible for 1.0 contact hour | HSPA | CBSPD | RN |

    Retained debris and residual soil can interfere with sterilization of surgical instruments and put patients at risk. This webinar discusses tools and methods for inspecting common lumened instruments, including reusable suction tips and bone shavers. The presenters will show photos and videos of unique internal features of these instruments and tissue, bone fragments, brush bristles, and other foreign debris found in fully processed instruments. Participants will receive tips for developing a visual inspection program for lumened surgical instruments and engaging internal stakeholders to manage risk. 

  • Includes Credits

    This webinar provides an introduction to sterile processing via virtual tours.

    Eligible for 1.0 contact hour | HSPA | CBSPD | RN |

    Sterile processing departments are home to highly technical and complex processes and equipment, all of which are critical for patient safety and infection control. In this webinar, we take you on a tour of two sterile processing departments, highlighting the workflow and key equipment, supplies, quality assurance tools, and PPE used in each specialized area. Participants will receive a broad overview of sterile processing procedures and learn strategies for collaborating with department personnel to improve practices and protect both patients and personnel.

  • Includes Credits

    This webinar describes why it’s important to dry endoscopes and how to do it.

    Eligible for 1.0 contact hour | HSPA | CBSPD | RN |

    Retained moisture can foster the growth of microbes and biofilm inside endoscopes, and wet endoscopes have been linked to infections. This webinar will describe the importance of using effective, evidence-based methods for drying. The presenters will share their real-world experience using drying verification tools to evaluate patient-ready endoscopes for residual fluids. Participants will learn strategies for drying and storing endoscopes in accordance with guidelines and standards.

  • Includes Credits

    This webinar describes how to use biochemical tests to evaluate endoscope cleaning.

    Eligible for 1.0 contact hour | HSPA | CBSPD | RN |

    New standards require cleaning verification tests for every high-risk endoscope, every time. This webinar discusses several types of cleaning verification tests and explains how to use them and interpret results. The presenters share their real-world experience using these tests with photos, videos, and case studies. Participants will learn strategies for setting up their own sustainable cleaning verification programs and using the findings to improve reprocessing outcomes.

  • Includes Credits

    This webinar shares strategies for inspecting endoscopes with lighted magnification.

    Eligible for 1.0 contact hour | HSPA | CBSPD | RN |

    Damaged or dirty endoscopes place patients at risk for exposures, infections, and injuries. Guidelines and standards recommend visual inspection with lighted magnification for every endoscope, every time. This webinar explains the tools and methods available for conducting visual inspections of endoscope exteriors, describes important aspects of endoscope anatomy, and provides real-world images of common defects found on a variety of endoscope models.

  • Includes Credits

    This webinar shares tips and tricks for using borescopes during visual inspection.

    Eligible for 1.0 contact hour | HSPA | CBSPD | RN |

    This webinar describes methods for using borescopes, which are tools that can “scope the scope” to make sure ports and channels are clean and in good condition. Presenters will provide an introduction to the anatomy of various endoscope models and provide real-world photos and videos of brand-new scopes and defects observed during borescope exams. Participants will learn strategies for setting up a borescope program and responding to findings.

  • Includes Credits

    This webinar unlocks the keys to using the scientific method and evidence to support decision-making about factors that impact health and safety.

    Eligible for 1.0 contact hour | HSPA | CBSPD | RN |

    What do dark chocolate, exercise, and fresh air have in common? In this webinar, three scientists will explain the scientific method and describe how to critically evaluate information about these stress-reducing interventions. Next, the presenters will model how to leverage evidence to support quality improvement and resource acquisition in healthcare facilities. Participants will learn how to seek support from stakeholders and incorporate scientific evidence into concise, effective communications for decision-makers.

  • Includes Credits

    This webinar dives into the nitty-gritty of biofilm and lays out strategies for how you can keep it off your medical devices and instruments.

    Eligible for 1.0 contact hour | HSPA | CBSPD | RN |

    Soil, bioburden, biofilm… What does it mean for your sterile processing department? Biofilm adheres to surfaces, resists cleaning and disinfection efforts, and can foster antibiotic resistance. In this webinar, two presenters with expertise in epidemiology and microbiology explain the different types of residual organic debris that can be left behind due to inadequate reprocessing. They will discuss study findings and outbreak investigations and explore the possible roles of residual soil, damage, and retained moisture in biofilm development. Participants will learn how to develop and implement multifaceted policies and workflows to address factors contributing to biofilm formation in their departments.

  • Includes Credits

    This webinar on splashing provides an inside view of the evidence behind the need for PPE and the separation of dirty and clean areas in reprocessing suites.

    Eligible for 1.0 contact hour | HSPA | CBSPD | RN |

    Have you ever wondered whether it really matters if instruments are submerged in cleaning solution when you’re scrubbing them? What about the three-foot separation between dirty and clean areas? Do germs stop at the red line? We decided to take a look at the science behind guidelines for reducing risks associated with splashes in sterile processing and endoscopy departments. In this webinar, two researchers share stories about cases of real-world splashes that exposed healthcare personnel to infection or injury. They explain guidelines and IFU for minimizing splash and reducing contamination and exposure in the decontamination area. The researchers describe findings from a pilot project that explored the generation of splashes by various reprocessing activities using a novel approach to photographing where droplets land on surfaces and PPE. They also describe simple tools that can be used to detect splashes in real-world settings, and share strategies for assessing and managing splash risk and reducing personnel exposure in SPD and endoscopy units.

  • Includes Credits

    This webinar will build awareness of the FDA’s Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience (MAUDE) database to empower healthcare providers, personnel, and patients to access and report adverse events related to medical devices.

    Eligible for 1.0 contact hour | HSPA | CBSPD | RN |

    Have you experienced surgical stapler misfires, burns from laparoscopic insulation failures, or robotic surgery cables snapping during procedures? Do you want to learn more about potential problems with medical devices in your facility? Anyone can submit adverse event reports to the FDA MAUDE database and use it to find reports of malfunctions and patient harm caused by damaged or defective medical devices. In this webinar, two researchers will walk participants through the process for submitting reports and provide strategies for searching the database. They will present case studies of adverse events reported to the FDA related to ultrasound probes, surgical staplers, robotic surgical systems, laparoscopic instruments, and endoscopes. Participants will learn how MAUDEs can be used to guide decision-making and improve patient safety.

  • Includes Credits

    This webinar explains how masks and respirators reduce the risk of infection transmission, and highlights key factors that should be considered when making decisions about respiratory protection.

    Eligible for 1.0 contact hour | HSPA | CBSPD | RN |

    Respiratory pathogens can be easily spread between people in healthcare and community settings. Effective respiratory protection is critical in shielding healthcare workers who are at high risk of infection. The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the importance of respiratory protection in healthcare settings, but also in preventing the spread of infection within the community. In this webinar, two presenters who specialize in epidemiology and infection control will discuss the basics of respiratory disease transmission and how face masks and respirators reduce risks. They will describe different types of respiratory protection, key features of each, and provide tips to support decision-making for how and when each should be used. Recent research on the effectiveness of different types of respiratory protection will be summarized and synthesized into practical, evidence-based recommendations for improving safety in healthcare settings and the community.

  • This brief webinar explains the importance of practicing proper hand hygiene and provides an overview of the steps involved.

    Not eligible for CE credit.

    Hand hygiene is a critical part of our infection prevention toolkit. Its importance has been highlighted in recent years as healthcare workers face superbug outbreaks and new pandemics. This webinar uses real-world examples of healthcare-associated infection (HAI) and self-contamination by healthcare workers to make the case for performing hand hygiene properly every time. The speaker will explain the basics of HAIs and describe guidelines for hand hygiene from WHO, CDC, and professional organizations. Participants will be guided through the steps involved in proper hand washing and hand sanitizing. This brief webinar is a good introduction to hand hygiene for new employees and refresher for those receiving annual training and competency testing. 

  • Includes Credits

    This webinar will provide information about insoluble products like simethicone, lubricants, and tissue glue that may impact endoscope reprocessing effectiveness.

    Eligible for 1.0 contact hour | HSPA | CBSPD | RN |

    During this webinar, the presenter describes her team’s groundbreaking discovery of simethicone inside gastrointestinal endoscopes. She explains how the substance was originally identified and describes her team’s detection of other insoluble products on bronchoscopes and GI endoscopes. The presenter discusses the nature of these products, their clinical value, and the dilemma posed by policies that prohibit their use. This course is designed to empower clinicians, perioperative nurses, central service managers, and reprocessing personnel interested in identifying suspicious residues found on endoscopes. The webinar includes recommendations for addressing the use of these insoluble products, including methods for determining which products are being used, conducting risk assessments, and developing strategies for reducing the risk.

  • Includes Credits

    This webinar will provide information about bronchoscopes and help you implement quality management strategies for bronchoscope reprocessing and maintenance.

    Eligible for 1.0 contact hour | HSPA | CBSPD | RN |

    Numerous outbreaks and patient injuries have been linked to the use of contaminated and damaged bronchoscopes. Residual bioburden in bronchoscopes can also impact clinical lab results and cause patients to be treated for infections they may not have. Bronchoscopes are used and reprocessed by diverse personnel in numerous departments, which makes it challenging to ensure that reprocessing is done correctly every time—especially when bronchoscopes are used in emergency situations. This webinar explores factors that contribute to patient vulnerability and reprocessing effectiveness. The presenter will discuss insights from her research and recommendations for quality management strategies that participants can implement in their own institutions. This course is designed to provide clinicians, perioperative nurses, central service managers, and reprocessing personnel with information and resources that will enable them to evaluate and improve their bronchoscope reprocessing and maintenance programs.
